Buying a standing desk in Canada: Do's and Don'ts

4 min read

Buying a standing desk in Canada: Do's and Don'ts Why you should consider a standing desk: As we continue to work from home, many of us are spending more time at our desks than ever before. Unfortu...

5 Reasons Why You Need an Ergonomic Chair: Invest in yourself

3 min read

No more bad sitting habits or enduring extreme back and neck pain while sitting at your desk—it’s time to invest in yourself and preserve your physical and mental wellbeing. No more distractions an...

Ergonomicscarpal tunnel wrist

5 min read

WHAT IS ACUTE CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME? Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that causes pain, numbness and tingling in the hand and arm. The condition occurs when one of the major nerves to...

5 Steps to Recover from Severe Burnout

7 min read

What is burnout? Let’s start with the basics. The term “burnout” was first coined in the ‘70s by Herbert Freundenberger and Christina Maslach two psychologists who independently studied this pheno...

How to Combat Video Meeting Fatigue

2 min read

Have you been having less in-person interactions but been way more mentally drained? If yes, it’s not just you--it’s all of us.  Stanford recently published a study on the four reasons why video co...