A recent report from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) shows that nearly half of Canadians spend more than eight hours a day sitting down. The CIHI also reports that this type of prolonged sitting contributes to nearly 80 percent of adult obesity cases. As a response to the negative effects of prolonged sitting every day, a growing number of workers are taking matters into their own hands by opting for standing desks.

So you’ve decided to start standing instead…
How Long Should You Stand, Rather Than Sit, at Your Workstation?
The standard advice from ergonomic experts is to stand for approximately 5 to 15 minutes of every hour of the day at a standing desk. It was recommended by a study in the British Journal of Sports to stand and be active for a minimum of 2 hours of every 8 hour work day.
Adversely, Professor Jack Callaghan of the University of Waterloo placed the ideal sit-to-stand ratio between 1:1 and 1:3, encouraging standing even more than the traditional ideas we have.
To achieve the desired levels of standing, one must first take a look at their own current habits to see what needs to change.

How much time do I spend on my feet?
According to a study by the University of Michigan, people who sit all day are likely to spend as little as 10 percent of their waking hours standing or walking around. If you're spending most of your days seated, you should consider getting up and moving around more often to avoid the sinister health effects of sitting all day. But how?

Standing Desks – So You Can Stand More, More Easily
Many people are wondering whether or not they need a standing desk. The truth is there’s no one size fits all answer. There are many factors involved such as your height, weight, and personal preferences. However, if you want to get the most out of your standing desk, these are some things to consider.

What are the health benefits of standing desks?
Standing desks have been shown to reduce back pain, improve posture, lower blood pressure, increase energy levels, help with weight loss, and even boost creativity. The American College of Physicians (ACP) states that "standing may be more beneficial than sitting" because it can also reduce stress and fatigue, which could lead to better sleep quality.

What makes a good standing desk?
The height of your standing desk should allow you to comfortably reach items on top of your desk without having to bend down. You should also be able to easily adjust the height of your desk so that you can get comfortable while working. A sturdy desk surface will keep your computer stable and prevent unnecessary strain on your joints.
If you’re looking for a new desk, here are some things to consider:
Standing desks come in various heights, ranging from 30 inches to 60 inches off the ground. Choose one that fits your needs and preferences.
Weight limit
If you plan on lifting heavy objects, make sure your desk is capable of supporting its own weight. Some models weigh up to 250.
Make sure your desk has enough space to accommodate your workspace and any equipment you need to use during the day.
Wood is typically considered the best material for a desk, but it can become too slippery over time. Look for a durable desk made from materials such as steel, plastic, or wood.
Your desk shouldn't be too big or small; instead, choose one that's just right for your needs.
While many standing desks look like regular desks, there are some unique options available. For example, some manufacturers offer desks that include features such as adjustable shelves, drawers, lights, and speakers.
Always check that your desk meets safety standards before purchasing.

Check out some of the best standing desk options right here, so you can start standing more today.